“Voicing Our Values” Ritual
This ritual may be used by any Unitarian Universalist congregation with attribution to Lucy Bunch and Sharon Wylie.
To prepare, make the chalice stones:

- The gist of the project is detailed here.
- I bought the glass stones at the Dollar Store. One bag is about 20 stones. They are not uniformly shaped or perfectly clear, but at $1 a bag, I have no complaints.
- “Mod Podge” can be found at Target or any crafts store. I used “gloss.”
- Chalice logos to choose from are here.
You will also need a special/meaningful/pretty bowl for this ritual.
- Ensure each person has a stone and pen or pencil
- Hymn suggestion: #389 “Gathered Here”

You’ll want a special bowl for your communal bowl.
- William Ellery Channing (pdf)
- Story of Fannie Barrier Williams (pdf)
- Hymn suggestion (after each story): #1040 “Hush”
Sing the first verse only, twice
- Meditation (pdf)
- Invitation: “The container of community grounds and holds us to give us strength and courage to voice our values in the world. You are invited to come forward, to speak your word out loud, and then to add your stone to our communal bowl.”
- Hymn suggestion (when the ritual is done): #170 “We Are a Gentle, Angry People”
- Invitation: “You are invited to return to our communal bowl to find a stone to take with you. Please resist the urge to look for a word you want; instead, let your hand find your stone, and consider that the word that comes to you is meant for you. When you think of the values you are called to give voice to, add this one to your understanding of your call. Please come forward, and let’s join in singing.”
- Hymn suggestion: #368 “Now Let Us Sing” or #1014 “Answering the Call of Love”